Clinical activity
The Shoulder section consists of Michael Khazzam, M.D., who serves as Section Chief, and Alison Cabrera, M.D. This team provides comprehensive care for patients who are suffering from complex shoulder injuries and conditions. Both Drs. Khazzam and Cabrera not only provide complex shoulder repair but also specialize in shoulder sports medicine.
The Geriatric Fracture section is led by Megan Sorich, D.O., with the goal of helping all patients regain function, avoid future fractures, and maintain their quality of life. Dr. Sorich is also directing a program called RESTORE (Returning Seniors to Orthopaedic Excellence). With the launch of the RESTORE program in 2021, the section has had great success on all fronts. The program’s mission is to improve hip fracture patients’ outcomes by reducing time to OR, length of stay, and ultimately morbidity and mortality. The average time to OR is currently 15.7 hours for hip fractures, and length of stay is currently 6.4 days.
The next goal for the RESTORE program is to obtain a designation of Hip Fracture Center of Excellence by the Joint Commission. The Shoulder section serves the UTSW main campus and UT Southwestern Frisco location. The Geriatric Fracture section serves the UTSW main campus.
Scholarly activity
The Shoulder section has seen continuous growth in scholarly affairs. Continuing the studies with MOON (the Multicenter Orthopaedic Outcomes Network) and ROW (Rotator Cuff Outcomes Workshop), Dr. Khazzam collaborated with multiple authors on trials to determine the prognostic factors for outcomes after rotator cuff surgery. Dr. Cabrera conducted a multidisciplinary study with the UTSW Department of Radiology on the role in diagnostic evaluation of elbow disorders with relevant comparisons to 2D MRI, with an emphasis on how such advanced imaging assists in pre- and post-surgical assessments of tendon and ligament derangements. Overall, the section has been involved with multiple groups and departments to further along studies on the best ways to approach shoulder care and extremity reconstruction.
The Geriatric Fracture section teamed with the Nurses Improving Care for Health Systems Elders (NICHE) group in a study that had the goal of providing outstanding geriatric medical care through an interdisciplinary team approach. This study, led by Dr. Sorich, provided great outcomes and insights on future goals as well as continued involvement with NICHE in studies to come.
The Shoulder section is devoted to the continuous education of residents through establishing weekly indications conferences. In PGY-4, residents take part in a rotation with the Shoulder section. This allows for an enhanced curriculum and an opportunity for the group of residents to have a robust training experience. The section also allows residents to collaborate on ongoing studies and research.
On June 2-3, 2023, the Geriatric Fracture section will host the UT Southwestern Hansjörg Wyss Geriatric Fracture Symposium on the main campus. It will be a CME event that will consist of insightful sessions revolving around case studies and novel topics surrounding geriatric fractures. The symposium will bring in speakers from across the country. Email Marilyn Clark (marilyn.clark@utsouthwestern.edu) if you would like to be kept up to date with information for the event.