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UT Southwestern's COVE Program Receives 2020 Video

UT Southwestern's COVE Program Receives 2020 "Leaders in Clinical Excellence" Award

Seniors need better primary care access and fewer hospital admissions. UT Southwestern's geriatric specialists target both concerns with COVE – an award-winning house call program that delivers precision medicine to people who need it most.
Aging in Place? Factors to Consider When Deciding Whether it’s Safe to Continue Living at Home News

Aging in Place? Factors to Consider When Deciding Whether it’s Safe to Continue Living at Home

Molly Camp, M.D., an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at UT Southwestern who specializes in geriatric mental health, recommends identifying strengths and weaknesses in these five domains of safe and independent living before making a decision.
RESTORE Program: Returning Seniors to Orthopaedic Excellence Video

RESTORE Program: Returning Seniors to Orthopaedic Excellence

UT Southwestern is providing new hope for older adults who suffer fractures and the complications that can result from those injuries with the new Returning Seniors to Orthopedic Excellence (RESTORE) Program.
Geriatrics COVE Team Makes House Calls and Reduces Readmissions News

Geriatrics COVE Team Makes House Calls and Reduces Readmissions

UT Southwestern launched Care of the Vulnerable Elderly (COVE) in 2015 – a home-based primary care (HBPC) program backed by an interdisciplinary team.
ACE is High When it Comes to Acute Geriatric Care News

ACE is High When it Comes to Acute Geriatric Care

The Acute Care for Elders (ACE) Unit at William P. Clements Jr. University Hospital brings together a team of experts to collaborate on the best geriatric care solutions.
Postoperative Delirium in Seniors: Recognizing the Symptoms, Reducing the Risks News

Postoperative Delirium in Seniors: Recognizing the Symptoms, Reducing the Risks

UT Southwestern has implemented two innovative programs to better identify patients at risk for delirium and support healthier recovery.

Showing 13 - 18 of 18 results

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