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UTSW study reveals how key protein affects neuron structure News

UTSW study reveals how key protein affects neuron structure

Insight into function of torsinA furthers understanding of rare movement disorder called DYT1 dystonia
Natural grass may pose greater risk for football concussions News

Natural grass may pose greater risk for football concussions

Young players suffering head-to-ground impact on grass have more – and worse – symptoms than those on artificial turf, UT Southwestern study finds
Welcome to the Class of 2028 News

Welcome to the Class of 2028

We are thrilled to welcome our newly matched class of adult, child, and neurology-psychiatry residents as we kick off the new year with great enthusiasm.
The Future of Medicine Sparks Here Video

The Future of Medicine Sparks Here

This is UT Southwestern Medical Center, and this is where a spark happens. Join UT Southwestern Medical Center and find your spark.
Bridging the Gap: Enhancing Palliative Care for Neurological Diseases News

Bridging the Gap: Enhancing Palliative Care for Neurological Diseases

Palliative care is undergoing a revolution as doctors explore innovative ways to treat patients with terminal diseases. These advancements are focused on improving quality of life from the moment of diagnosis.
Diagnosing essential tremor after death helps families learn risk News

Diagnosing essential tremor after death helps families learn risk

Over 2 decades, UTSW Neurology Chair and colleagues develop algorithms that verify common neurodegenerative disease in postmortem brains
New Findings Alter View of EGFR Signaling in Glioblastoma News

New Findings Alter View of EGFR Signaling in Glioblastoma

Signaling pathway thought to be driving oncogenesis gets called into question.
An Expanding View of Ataxia News

An Expanding View of Ataxia

A renowned clinical research program seeks new insights into ataxia and related disorders.
New AI tool may help detect early signs of dementia News

New AI tool may help detect early signs of dementia

UTSW-led study finds an automated speech analysis algorithm is able to recognize cognitive impairment in a Spanish-speaking population.
Essential tremor triples dementia risk, UTSW study shows News

Essential tremor triples dementia risk, UTSW study shows

Largest study of cognitive decline in patients with common neurodegenerative condition could improve counseling, treatment
Unraveling the mystery of misfolded proteins in the brain News

Unraveling the mystery of misfolded proteins in the brain

UTSW-led study into workings of oligomeric chaperones could lead to better diagnostics, treatment for diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s
Driving Breakthrough Discoveries in Neurodegenerative Diseases News

Driving Breakthrough Discoveries in Neurodegenerative Diseases

With its broad array of scientific talent, UT Southwestern's CAND is bringing exciting new advances to the study of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders.

Showing 1 - 12 of 57 results

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