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New Drug Combination Offers Hope for Improved Treatment of Cervical Cancer News

New Drug Combination Offers Hope for Improved Treatment of Cervical Cancer

A new combination of drugs slowed the growth of cancer cells by an unexpected mechanism that may one day lead to improved treatment of cervical cancer, a UT Southwestern-led study published in Molecular Cancer Research suggests.
Preoperative Partial Breast Irradiation for Early-Stage Breast Cancer News

Preoperative Partial Breast Irradiation for Early-Stage Breast Cancer

The current standard of care for early-stage breast cancer is to first surgically remove the tumor, then deliver postoperative radiation therapy.
The PROMISE of a Better Pediatric Radiation Experience News

The PROMISE of a Better Pediatric Radiation Experience

Treating the pediatric radiation oncology population has historically been difficult. Because it is imperative to have patients stay still during radiation treatment, general anesthesia is commonly used to facilitate radiation treatments in children, with most children age 7 and under receiving general anesthesia.
UTSW’s adaptive therapy provides a personalized care plan to treat each individual’s cancer News

UTSW’s adaptive therapy provides a personalized care plan to treat each individual’s cancer

In December 2021, Mr. Metcalf noticed a lump on his neck. He thought it was the result of something he had done days prior and decided to wait to see if it would disappear. The lump wasn’t painful, and he even forgot about it. However, once January came around and it remained the same size, he knew it was a serious issue that needed to be addressed.
UTSW Clinical Trial Sets Stage for New Paradigm in Kidney Cancer Treatment News

UTSW Clinical Trial Sets Stage for New Paradigm in Kidney Cancer Treatment

Kidney cancer encompasses a wide spectrum and can present with extensive metastases or just a handful. However, today all patients are treated the same. They all receive medication.
Cell Competition May Explain Cancer Relapses, Research Suggests News

Cell Competition May Explain Cancer Relapses, Research Suggests

A normal process called cell competition, in which healthy tissues eliminate unhealthy cells, could be responsible for cancer relapses in patients months or years after they were declared cancer-free, a new study by UT Southwestern researchers suggests.
Drug Shows Promise in Overcoming Endocrine Therapy Resistance in Breast Cancer News

Drug Shows Promise in Overcoming Endocrine Therapy Resistance in Breast Cancer

For patients with estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer, development of the so-called Y537S mutation signals that their disease has taken an aggressive course and may become resistant to endocrine therapy. Now a preclinical study, led by researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center, suggests that a class of new drugs already in clinical trials might work especially well in breast cancer patients who have acquired this mutation.
Breast Cancer Drug Benefits Broader Group of Patients, Trial Shows News

Breast Cancer Drug Benefits Broader Group of Patients, Trial Shows

A drug approved to treat breast cancer patients with mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes may also benefit people who have other genetic mutations.
Tackling resistance to HIF2 drugs with an RNA-based therapy News

Tackling resistance to HIF2 drugs with an RNA-based therapy

Kidney cancer has traditionally been one of the most challenging cancers to treat. Discovered at UT Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW), the HIF2a protein is the most important driver of kidney cancer, which has traditionally been regarded as undruggable.
UTSW is leading the way toward better screening for liver cancer News

UTSW is leading the way toward better screening for liver cancer

Multi-institutional Clinical Validation Center seeks to improve risk assessment and early detection of cancer in patients with cirrhosis
New recommendations aim to ease patient access to lung cancer clinical trials News

New recommendations aim to ease patient access to lung cancer clinical trials

A new approach to determining admission could boost enrollment numbers and diversity.
Robotic Surgery Symposium Brings the Future to Simmons News

Robotic Surgery Symposium Brings the Future to Simmons

The latest developments in robotic cancer surgery

Showing 49 - 60 of 81 results

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