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Risk of Severe COVID-19 Symptoms Remains Throughout Pregnancy, UTSW Study Finds News

Risk of Severe COVID-19 Symptoms Remains Throughout Pregnancy, UTSW Study Finds

A UT Southwestern study of more than 1,300 pregnant women diagnosed with COVID-19 found that just 1 in 10 developed moderate, severe, or critical illness and that COVID-19 symptoms and severity were similar across all trimesters.
UTSW Researchers Find No Decrease in Preterm Births With Vaginal Progesterone News

UTSW Researchers Find No Decrease in Preterm Births With Vaginal Progesterone

Progesterone has been used to prevent recurrent preterm births, but a study finds no benefit
The ART and Science of Targeting Gynecologic Tumors News

The ART and Science of Targeting Gynecologic Tumors

Adaptive radiation therapy (ART) – a new patient tumor personalized technology – is now available to treat and cure women with cervical cancer and other gynecologic tumors.
Managing Pregnancy When Mom Has an Eating Disorder News

Managing Pregnancy When Mom Has an Eating Disorder

UT Southwestern’s specialized maternal health team can provide supportive care to increase chances of a healthy pregnancy, and our colleagues in psychiatry who specialize in managing eating disorders play a crucial role in pregnancy care too.
UTSW Study Finds New Pain Management Approach Reduced Opioid Use After C-sections News

UTSW Study Finds New Pain Management Approach Reduced Opioid Use After C-sections

Shift to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications from patient-controlled medication pumps also boosted breastfeeding rates.
UT Southwestern Study Defines Anemia in Pregnancy Using Uncomplicated U.S. Cases News

UT Southwestern Study Defines Anemia in Pregnancy Using Uncomplicated U.S. Cases

Maternal anemia has the same definition across the sociodemographic spectrum, according to a UT Southwestern study of a diverse population of uncomplicated patients. The findings, published in PLOS ONE, will help guide both prevention and treatment of maternal anemia, a common cause of complications.
Spong Named Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology News

Spong Named Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Catherine Spong, M.D., has been named Chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, where she has served as Vice Chair since 2018. Dr. Spong is a tenured Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and a renowned expert in maternal-fetal medicine.
PARP-1 inhibitors can reduce ovarian cancer recurrence risk by 70% in half of patients News

PARP-1 inhibitors can reduce ovarian cancer recurrence risk by 70% in half of patients

UT Southwestern is leading research to find ways to extend the benefits of PARP-1 inhibitor maintenance medication to more patients with more forms of ovarian cancer.
History of Vaccines Offers Lessons on COVID-19 for Pregnant Women News

History of Vaccines Offers Lessons on COVID-19 for Pregnant Women

Emily H. Adhikari, M.D., and Catherine Y. Spong, M.D., describe how the available safety and effectiveness data, basic science of mRNA vaccines, and long history of successful administering of other vaccines in pregnant women

Showing 25 - 33 of 33 results

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